
Keenan Beavis

Andre Pienaar: Longhouse Media Case Study

Longhouse has worked with Andre Pienaar for almost a year and a half and throughout this time we have really gotten to know him as a person. Andre loves to write music. He believes that music tells and story and each song has a chance to be meaningful and be a significant factor in telling the story.

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Keenan Beavis

How Was December🎄? I Longhouse Media Blog Post

How was everyone’s last couple of days? Christmas just passed by and we hope you and your families were able to celebrate the holidays with your loved ones. Did you do anything interesting/holiday-related recently?  If we haven’t spoken for a while we’d love to start off 2021 with reconnecting.  This year has the potential to be awesome. Longhouse Media Wins A Business Award!  Not

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Keenan Beavis

Valley Laser Eye Centre

Dr. Blaylock is respected as the best Surgical Ophthalmologist (Laser Eye Surgeons) in Canada and is famous for creating the ‘Blaylock Procedure’

The Longhouse team have worked alongside Valley Laser Eye Centre to help them reach a greater SEO/Google Ranking, reach more customers and showcase/market what they do.

The results? As great as his eye surgeries!

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Keenan Beavis

Longhouse Media, Marketing and Branding Update | November 2020

Social Media posts shouldn’t be thought of as a way to ‘pull’ in new customers.

I like to think of it as a ‘hug’; meaning that good social media posts that establish your credibility, likeability and also gives an easy way for someone to get in touch can be the deal closer (the hug) that locks people into choosing you instead of your competitors.

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Why You Need a Google My Business Profile | “What is Google Business”

This will be a quick write-up to answer your question “What is Google Business” and why you definitely should sign-up for a Google verified ‘MyBusiness’ Listing. Google Business is a Verification Platform That Allows Business Owners to Do 3 Things The three things that Google MyBusiness allows a business owner/manager to do are: Verify that they are a legitimate business

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“Website Using Copyrighted Images” Scam

“Your website is infringing on my copyright” is a new automated e-mail going around that we delve into in our latest ‘Scam Radar’. We answer if this email is a scam. and say exactly what a virus acquired like this could potentially do.

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About Longhouse Media

Longhouse Media is a Canadian business located in Vancouver, British Columbia that serves new, growing and established businesses.   Longhouse provides customers with synergistic digital solutions that add value to businesses and personal brands.  We keep up to date on the latest technology and growth strategies so you can focus on running your business! Some of the services we offer are: websites, digital advertising on platforms such as Facebook and Google Adwords, social media management, video production and graphic design.

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